Friday, January 31, 2025

EXACS: Creating an 11g Database Home



Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS) historically supported Oracle Database 11g, but with recent updates, Oracle has phased out support for older database versions like 11g in ExaCS. While existing Oracle Database 11g instances may continue to run, it is no longer possible to provision new Oracle 11g databases on Exadata Cloud Service through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) console. Oracle encourages users to upgrade to more recent supported versions, such as Oracle Database 19c or 23ai, to leverage enhanced features, security, and performance improvements.

Some customers continue to run Oracle 11g because they have not been able to schedule downtime due to mission-critical business applications. Additionally, Oracle R2 is considered one of the most stable environments that Oracle has built. However, these customers face challenges in finding an efficient migration method, as their databases have grown to terabyte sizes.

Customers are still stuck on Oracle 11g for several key reasons:

Mission-Critical Applications: Many businesses run critical applications that require constant uptime, making it difficult to schedule downtime for upgrades or migrations.

Stable Environment: Oracle R2 is considered a highly stable release. Some businesses prefer to stick with this known stability rather than risk issues with newer versions.

Cost and Complexity: Upgrading Oracle databases, especially from 11g, can be expensive and complex. It may involve re-architecting applications, testing, and retraining staff, which some companies may not have the resources to handle.

Large Databases: Over time, databases have grown to terabyte sizes, which makes migration and upgrade processes much more challenging in terms of time, performance, and storage.

Custom Solutions and Legacy Code: Many organizations have customized solutions that are tightly integrated with Oracle 11g, and updating these systems can require significant rework, leading to compatibility issues with newer versions.

Business Prioritization: In some cases, businesses prioritize operational stability over modernization, choosing to delay upgrades to focus on other initiatives.

In this article, I will show you how you can create the 11g database in exacs using dbaascli.

Note: You can create this only if you have upgrade support for 11g. Oracle ExaCS does not support running 11g in the ExaCS environment.

List db images in EXACS

[root@exadevdb-01 ~]# dbaascli cswlib showImages
DBAAS CLI version
Executing command cswlib showImages
Job id: 10706bde-2e70-42fe-a371-7cb9bd572f7c
Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/showImages/dbaastools_2024-09-06_05-54-57-PM_59941.log
Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/showImages/dbaastools_2024-09-06_05-54-57-PM_59941.log

############ List of Available database Artifacts  #############

  DESCRIPTION=11.2 APR 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=12.2 JUL 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=18c JUL 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=19c JAN 2024 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=12.1 OCT 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=23ai DB image
  DESCRIPTION=18c APR 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=11.2 OCT 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=12.1 APR 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=19c APR 2024 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=19c JUL 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=23ai DB image
  DESCRIPTION=12.2 APR 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=11.2 JUL 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=12.1 JUL 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=19c JUL 2024 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=12.2 OCT 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=18c OCT 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=19c OCT 2023 DB Image
Images can be downloaded using their image tags. For details, see help using 'dbaascli cswlib download --help'.

dbaascli execution completed
[root@exadevdb-01 ~]#

Download the the 11204 Binary OCT2023 version.

dbaascli cswlib download --version 11204 --bp OCT2023 --bp_update no
Sample output

[root@exadevdb-01 ~]# dbaascli cswlib download --version 11204 --bp OCT2023 --bp_update no
DBAAS CLI version
Executing command cswlib download --version 11204 --bp OCT2023 --bp_update no
Job id: 8dab6933-9505-40a9-a398-c1ba46eae6e3
Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/download/dbaastools_2024-09-19_02-00-06-PM_166429.log
Loading PILOT...
Session ID of the current execution is: 40
Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/download/pilot_2024-09-19_02-00-10-PM_166741
Running initialize job
Completed initialize job
Running validate_url_reachability job
Completed validate_url_reachability job
Running validate_image_tag_existence job
Completed validate_image_tag_existence job
Running validate_free_space job
Completed validate_free_space job
Running validate_file_permissions job
Completed validate_file_permissions job
Running download_image job
Image location=/var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/dbnid/
Download succeeded
Completed download_image job
Running decrypt job
Completed decrypt job
Running post_download_update job
Completed post_download_update job
Running verify_signature job
Skipping verifySignature check because the catalog contains signed property as false
Completed verify_signature job
Running validate_sha256sum job
Skipping Sha256Sum check because the catalog does not contain sha256sum
Skipping Sha256Sum check because the catalog does not contain sha256sum
Completed validate_sha256sum job
Running update_file_permissions job
Completed update_file_permissions job

dbaascli execution completed
[root@exadevdb-01 ~]#

List downloaded db images

After downloading the image you can list local database binary images using cswLib listlocal.

[opc@exadevdb-01 ~]$ sudo dbaascli cswLib listLocal
DBAAS CLI version
Executing command cswLib listLocal
Job id: 0405333f-04d5-4043-97f6-0fa0a9eca51b
Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/listLocal/dbaastools_2024-09-06_06-15-17-PM_154824.log
Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/listLocal/dbaastools_2024-09-06_06-15-17-PM_154824.log

############ List of Available Database Images  #############

  DESCRIPTION=11.2 OCT 2023 DB Image
  DESCRIPTION=19c JUL 2024 DB Image

dbaascli execution completed
[opc@exadevdb-01 ~]$

Create a new database home using 11g binary

The next step is to create a database home 

[root@exadevdb-01 ~]# dbaascli dbhome create --version
DBAAS CLI version
Executing command dbhome create --version
Job id: 615dc2e8-af82-47c1-8612-526082b6e9bf
Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/dbHome/create/dbaastools_2024-10-10_07-30-24-PM_99121.log
Loading PILOT...
Session ID of the current execution is: 34
Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/dbHome/create/pilot_2024-10-10_07-30-27-PM_99403
Running Plugin_initialization job
Acquiring native write lock: _u02_app_oracle_product_11.2.0_dbhome_1
Acquiring native write lock: OraHome2
Completed Plugin_initialization job
Running OH_image_validate job
Completed OH_image_validate job
Running DB_home_version_check job
Completed DB_home_version_check job
Running DB_home_environment_version_check job
Completed DB_home_environment_version_check job
Running GI_version_check job
Completed GI_version_check job
Running Validate_backup_location job
Completed Validate_backup_location job
Running Cluster_nodes_check job
Completed Cluster_nodes_check job
Running Validate_users_group job
Completed Validate_users_group job
Running OH_image_download job
Completed OH_image_download job
Running OH_image_version_check job
Completed OH_image_version_check job
Running Disk_space_check job
Completed Disk_space_check job
Acquiring write lock: provisioning
Running Pre_OH_creation_lock_manager job
Completed Pre_OH_creation_lock_manager job
Running OH_pre_existence_check job
Completed OH_pre_existence_check job
Running Local_node_oh_image_unzip job
Completed Local_node_oh_image_unzip job
Running OH_creation_cvu_prechecks job
Completed OH_creation_cvu_prechecks job
Running Local_node_oh_clone job

Completed Local_node_oh_clone job
Running Update_dbnid_bits job
Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
Running Local_node_oh_backup_creation job
Completed Local_node_oh_backup_creation job
Running Remote_nodes_software_copy job

Completed Remote_nodes_software_copy job
Running Remote_nodes_attach_home job
Completed Remote_nodes_attach_home job
Running Remote_nodes_post_install_steps job
Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
Running Inventory_nodes_list_update job
Completed Inventory_nodes_list_update job
Running Root_script_run job
Completed Root_script_run job
Running Post_OH_creation_lock_manager job
Completed Post_OH_creation_lock_manager job
Releasing lock: provisioning
Running release_lock job
Releasing native lock: OraHome2
Releasing native lock: _u02_app_oracle_product_11.2.0_dbhome_1
Completed release_lock job
Running Generate_dbhome_metadata job
Completed Generate_dbhome_metadata job
Running Generate_dbhome_system_details job
Acquiring native write lock: global_dbsystem_details_generation
Releasing native lock: global_dbsystem_details_generation
Completed Generate_dbhome_system_details job
Running Plugin_cleanup job

Completed Plugin_cleanup job
---------- START OF PLUGIN RESULT ----------
---------- END OF PLUGIN RESULT ----------

dbaascli execution completed


While Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS) no longer officially supports provisioning new Oracle Database 11g instances through the OCI console, it is still possible to create and manage these databases using tools like dbaascli. This approach provides a practical solution for customers who rely on the stability and performance of Oracle 11g for mission-critical applications but face challenges in scheduling downtime or migrating to newer database versions. 

However, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of continuing to use an unsupported version, such as missing out on critical security updates, performance enhancements, and new features offered by modern versions like Oracle Database 19c or 23c AI. Organizations are encouraged to develop a long-term migration strategy to align with Oracle's support roadmap and ensure the sustainability of their database operations.

EXACS: Resolving PDB Console Issue



The roles of DBAs and architects are continually evolving, becoming more technical and requiring broader expertise. For Oracle DBAs, it's no longer just about managing databases; there's a growing need to understand and work with the OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) GUI as well. This is because many OCI services depend on the database being properly visible in the OCI console to function correctly.

Recently, I faced an issue after migrating a database from on-premises to the cloud in an Exadata Cloud@Customer (ExaCS) deployment. The pluggable database (PDB) did not appear in the OCI console.

Steps I followed the below-mentioned steps to migration.

  • Created a dummy database directly from the OCI console.
  • Deleted this dummy database at the backend.
  • Used RMAN to perform a duplicate operation.

  • After the RMAN duplicate, the PDB (pluggable database) was correctly visible under the CDB (container database). However, the status in the OCI console is still displayed as "failed."

    This highlights the importance of understanding the OCI console and ensuring proper configuration post-migration to avoid operational disruptions.

    As per Figure 1, the OCI console shows pdb state from console shows as "failed".

                                                        Figure 1 : PDB state from OCI console.

    Troubleshooting steps 

    If a Pluggable Database (PDB) resource appears in a Failed status in the Cloud Console but remains available in the VM, refer to the following Oracle Meta Link note for details on this known issue:

    • Meta Link Note: Pluggable Database (PDB) Resource Shows Failed Status in Cloud Console While It Is Available in VM (Doc ID 2855062.1).

    Step 1: Validate the CON_UID

    Log in to the database and run the following query to verify the Container UID (CON_UID)


    SQL> l
      1* select  CON_UID, NAME from V$PDBS
    SQL> /
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2368539052 PDB$SEED
    1479666877 EGDEV_PDB1
    2175707955 EGQA_PDB1

    Step 2: Confirm the PDB Details

    dbaascli pdb getDetails --dbname EGPRD --pdbUID 2297085946

    Step 3: Handle Orphaned PDB Records

  • If the above command returns a valid result, the PDB entry still exists in the backend.
  • In such a case, you may need to delete the orphaned database entry manually.

  • Step 4: Delete Manually 

    To manually delete the PDB using dbaascli, run the following command:

    dbaascli pdb delete --dbName  --pdbUID 2297085946

    Important Note:

    🚨 Before deleting any PDB, always verify the CON_UID returned from the database.

    • If the CON_UID from V$PDBS matches the one being checked, you are dealing with a live PDB.
    • Do NOT delete the database in this case, as it is currently active.

    If the CON_UID in the Cloud Console is different from the one in the database, you can safely delete the PDB from the console.

    Once deleted, wait 15-20 minutes, and the correct PDB will be reflected in the Cloud Console.

                                                      Figure 2: This is the same figure highlighting the con_uid.

    Friday, November 29, 2024

    Exacs database creation using dbaascli



    OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) provides robust automation capabilities for routine maintenance tasks such as patching, creating database homes, and server OS updates. Oracle further simplifies these tasks by handling the staging process, reducing the administrative burden.

    Additionally, Oracle has introduced several tools to streamline maintenance and management tasks, including:

  • dbaascli
  • exacli
  • dbcli
  • exadbcpatchmulti
  • dbaascli is a command-line utility for managing Oracle Database Cloud Services (DBaaS) instances. Mainly for Oracle Exadata cloud services. It provides several features to administer Oracle databases running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). This tool allows users to perform various administrative tasks like backup and recovery, patching, scaling, and checking the status of the database environment.

    Key Features of dbaascli:

    1. Backup and Restore:

      • Manage and schedule backups.
      • Perform on-demand backups.
      • Restore the database from backups.
    2. Patching:

      • Apply database patches.
      • Check for available patches.
      • Rollback patches if necessary.
    3. Database Management:

      • Start and stop databases.
      • Perform database health checks.
      • Manage Data Guard configurations (for high availability and disaster recovery).
    4. Storage Management:

      • Resize the database storage as required.
    5. Diagnostic Tools:

      • Collect diagnostic information to troubleshoot issues.
      • Generate diagnostic logs for support cases.
    As a DBA, it's essential to start utilizing these orchestration tools to streamline and simplify your tasks. These tools make database management more efficient by automating key processes. With dbaascli, for example, DBAs no longer need to manually download and copy binary files to servers—dbaascli will automatically download the latest binaries, making the entire process faster and smoother.

    In this article, I will demonstrate how to create a database using dbaascli.

    Note: Creating a non-CDB database is not supported via the console. The only way to create a non-CDB database is through the backend.

    Step 1: Identify the Database Home

    First, identify and note down the Database Home associated with the version you want to use for creating the database.

    For this example, since I want to create a database using the 19c home, I will record the path for the 19c Database Home.

    [root@exadevdb-node01 ~]# dbaascli dbhome info
    DBAAS CLI version
    Executing command dbhome info
    [INFO] [DBAAS-14011] - The usage of this command is deprecated.
       ACTION: It is recommended to use 'dbaascli dbHome getDetails or dbaascli system getDBHomes' for this operation.
    Enter a homename or just press enter if you want details of all homes
      DBs installed=
       OH Backup=NOT Configured
      DBs installed=TEST
       Agent DB IDs=ec3f0396-d79d-450f-a9b3-aaae88b37c56
     OH Backup=NOT Configured
    [root@exadevdb-node01 ~]#

    To retrieve the DB home information, you can use the latest dbaascli command:

    dbaascli system getDBHomes
    This output will be a Jason output
    [root@exadevdb-node01 ~]# dbaascli system getDBHomes
    DBAAS CLI version
    Executing command system getDBHomes
    Job id: 1530c019-99c4-467d-9b2f-be3a2b5d3cd0
    Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/system/getDBHomes/dbaastools_2024-09-30_03-45-24-PM_342051.log
      "OraHome1" : {
        "homePath" : "/u02/app/oracle/product/",
        "homeName" : "OraHome1",
        "version" : "",
        "createTime" : 1724441733874,
        "updateTime" : 1724683497105,
        "unifiedAuditEnabled" : false,
        "ohNodeLevelDetails" : {
          "exadevdb-node02" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node02",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "34697081", "36538667", "36414915", "36587798", "36582781" ]
          "exadevdb-node01" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node01",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "34697081", "36538667", "36414915", "36587798", "36582781" ]
        "messages" : [ ]
      "OraHome2" : {
        "homePath" : "/u02/app/oracle/product/",
        "homeName" : "OraHome2",
        "version" : "",
        "createTime" : 1724680153103,
        "updateTime" : 1724692594136,
        "unifiedAuditEnabled" : false,
        "ohNodeLevelDetails" : {
          "exadevdb-node02" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node02",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "34697081", "36538667", "36414915", "36587798", "36582781" ]
          "exadevdb-node01" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node01",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "34697081", "36538667", "36414915", "36587798", "36582781" ]
        "messages" : [ ]
      "OraHome3" : {
        "homePath" : "/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1",
        "homeName" : "OraHome3",
        "version" : "",
        "createTime" : 1724683333257,
        "updateTime" : 1727708629760,
        "unifiedAuditEnabled" : false,
        "ohNodeLevelDetails" : {
          "exadevdb-node02" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node02",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "25139545", "33613829", "33991024", "35638387", "22291453", "30432076", "31335037", "32327201", "32558369", "34006614", "34533061", "34698179", "35099667", "35220732", "35239280", "35313335", "35685663", "32224895", "22366322", "31228670", "21289564", "35574089" ]
          "exadevdb-node01" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node01",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "25139545", "33613829", "33991024", "35638387", "22291453", "30432076", "31335037", "32327201", "32558369", "34006614", "34533061", "34698179", "35099667", "35220732", "35239280", "35313335", "35685663", "32224895", "22366322", "31228670", "21289564", "35574089" ]
        "messages" : [ ]
      "OraHome4" : {
        "homePath" : "/u02/app/oracle/product/",
        "homeName" : "OraHome4",
        "version" : "",
        "createTime" : 1724695480172,
        "updateTime" : 1727709224645,
        "unifiedAuditEnabled" : false,
        "ohNodeLevelDetails" : {
          "exadevdb-node02" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node02",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "34697081", "36538667", "36414915", "36587798", "36582781" ]
          "exadevdb-node01" : {
            "nodeName" : "exadevdb-node01",
            "version" : "",
            "patches" : [ "34697081", "36538667", "36414915", "36587798", "36582781" ]
        "messages" : [ ]
    dbaascli execution completed
    [root@exadevdb-node01 ~]#

    Create a database using dbaascli commands

    Here is a sample command to create the database. For detailed information, refer to the Oracle documentation at:  Using dbaascli for Exadata Database Service

    Since we are creating a non-container database, the createAsCDB parameter is set to false.

    /bin/dbaascli database create \
    --dbname SYNPOC \
    --dbUniqueName SYNPOC_EXA \
    --dbSID SYNPOC1 \
    --createAsCDB false \
    --dbCharset AL32UTF8 \
    --dbNCharset AL16UTF16 \
    --sgaSizeInMB 4096 \
    --pgaSizeInMB 1024 \
    --oracleHome /u02/app/oracle/product/ \
    --oracleHomeName OraHome1 \
    --tdeConfigMethod FILE \
    --executePrereqs no

    Sample log output

    [root@exadevdb-node01 ~]# /bin/dbaascli database create \
    > --dbname SYNPOC \
    > --dbUniqueName SYNPOC_EXA \
    > --dbSID SYNPOC \
    > --createAsCDB false \
    > --dbCharset AL32UTF8 \
    > --dbNCharset AL16UTF16 \
    > --sgaSizeInMB 4096 \
    > --pgaSizeInMB 1024 \
    > --oracleHome /u02/app/oracle/product/ \
    > --oracleHomeName OraHome1 \
    > --tdeConfigMethod FILE \
    > --executePrereqs no
    DBAAS CLI version
    Executing command database create --dbname SYNPOC --dbUniqueName SYNPOC_EXA --dbSID SYNPOC1 --createAsCDB false --dbCharset AL32UTF8 --dbNCharset AL16UTF16 --sgaSizeInMB 4096 --pgaSizeInMB 1024 --oracleHome /u02/app/oracle/product/ --oracleHomeName OraHome1 --tdeConfigMethod FILE --executePrereqs no
    Job id: 88f650c6-0467-4b3b-bcda-3f38eaa0ea6e
    Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/SYNPOC/database/create/dbaastools_2024-09-30_03-51-46-PM_368426.log
    Enter SYS_PASSWORD (reconfirmation):
    Enter TDE_PASSWORD (reconfirmation):
    Loading PILOT...
    Enter SYS_PASSWORD (reconfirmation):
    Enter TDE_PASSWORD (reconfirmation):
    Session ID of the current execution is: 1490
    Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/SYNPOC/database/create/pilot_2024-09-30_03-53-13-PM_374149
    Running Plugin_initialization job
    Completed Plugin_initialization job
    Acquiring read lock: _u02_app_oracle_product_19.0.0.0_dbhome_1
    Running Default_value_initialization job
    Completed Default_value_initialization job
    Running Validate_input_params job
    Completed Validate_input_params job
    Running Validate_cpu_availability job
    Completed Validate_cpu_availability job
    Running Validate_asm_availability job
    Completed Validate_asm_availability job
    Running Validate_disk_space_availability job
    Completed Validate_disk_space_availability job
    Running Validate_huge_pages_availability job
    Completed Validate_huge_pages_availability job
    Running Validate_hostname_domain job
    Completed Validate_hostname_domain job
    Running Validate_crs_state job
    Completed Validate_crs_state job
    Running Install_db_cloud_backup_module job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Perform_dbca_prechecks job
    Completed Perform_dbca_prechecks job
    Running Validate_backup_report job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Acquiring write lock: create_db_cloud
    Running Setup_acfs_volumes job
    Completed Setup_acfs_volumes job
    Running Setup_db_folders job
    Completed Setup_db_folders job
    Running DB_creation job
    Completed DB_creation job
    Releasing lock: create_db_cloud
    Running Generate_db_metadata job
    Completed Generate_db_metadata job
    Running Create_db_from_backup job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Completed Create_db_from_backup job
    Running Load_db_details job
    Completed Load_db_details job
    Running Populate_creg job
    Completed Populate_creg job
    Running Register_ocids job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Run_datapatch job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Create_users_tablespace job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Configure_pdb_service job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Set_pdb_admin_user_profile job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Lock_pdb_admin_user job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Configure_flashback job
    Completed Configure_flashback job
    Running Update_cloud_service_recommended_config_parameters job
    Completed Update_cloud_service_recommended_config_parameters job
    Running Update_distributed_lock_timeout job
    Completed Update_distributed_lock_timeout job
    Running Configure_archiving job
    Completed Configure_archiving job
    Running Configure_huge_pages job
    Completed Configure_huge_pages job
    Running Set_credentials job
    Completed Set_credentials job
    Running Update_dba_directories job
    Completed Update_dba_directories job
    Running Set_cluster_interconnects job
    Completed Set_cluster_interconnects job
    Running Create_db_secure_profile job
    Completed Create_db_secure_profile job
    Running Set_utc_timezone job
    Completed Set_utc_timezone job
    Running Run_dst_post_installs job
    Completed Run_dst_post_installs job
    Running Enable_auditing job
    Completed Enable_auditing job
    Running Apply_security_measures job
    Completed Apply_security_measures job
    Running Set_listener_init_params job
    Completed Set_listener_init_params job
    Running Update_db_wallet job
    Completed Update_db_wallet job
    Running Add_oratab_entry job
    Completed Add_oratab_entry job
    Running Setup_dbaastools_schema job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    Running Purge_rmf_configuration job
    Completed Purge_rmf_configuration job
    Running Configure_sqlnet_ora job
    Completed Configure_sqlnet_ora job
    Running Configure_tnsnames_ora job
    Completed Configure_tnsnames_ora job
    Running Enable_fips job
    Completed Enable_fips job
    Running DTRS_DB_Configure_Job job
    Completed DTRS_DB_Configure_Job job
    Running Restart_database job
    Completed Restart_database job
    Running Create_db_login_environment_file job
    Completed Create_db_login_environment_file job
    Running Generate_dbsystem_details job
    Acquiring native write lock: global_dbsystem_details_generation
    Releasing native lock: global_dbsystem_details_generation
    Completed Generate_dbsystem_details job
    Running Cleanup job
    Completed Cleanup job
    Releasing lock: _u02_app_oracle_product_19.0.0.0_dbhome_1
    dbaascli execution completed


    To sum up, dbaascli is an effective command line tool that helps in performing various tasks involved in the lifecycle of a database in the context of the Oracle cloud. It makes the execution of tasks like the creation of databases, the administration of homes and even the fetching of information effortless. With dbaascli, the administrators have a way to automate most of the usual activities and cut down on errors and increase efficiency thereby making the management of databases smooth and effective.

    Wednesday, August 21, 2024

    Oracle world 2024 - AI



    The world is transitioning from the data era to the age of artificial intelligence. Many organizations are leveraging AI features to gain a competitive edge and expand their market share. Oracle 23c AI introduces a wide array of AI-driven features to support this shift. With Oracle CloudWorld just around the corner, the event will be a key platform to showcase the power and potential of AI in transforming businesses.

    Oracle CloudWorld 2024 is set to take place from September 9 to 12 in Las Vegas at the Caesars Forum Convention Center. This major event will bring together Oracle customers, partners, and industry experts to explore the latest innovations in cloud technology, AI, databases, and more.

    Oracle 23ai : True Cache



    In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, speed is paramount. Users expect instant responses, and applications must seamlessly handle high traffic and demanding workloads. Oracle databases, often the backbone of critical systems, bear the weight of these performance demands. Fortunately, Oracle Database has a powerful solution: True Cache, an advanced in-memory caching technology designed to optimize database performance and enhance application efficiency.

    What is Oracle True Cache? 

    True Cache is a fast storage layer that temporarily holds frequently accessed data from an Oracle database to speed up read operations. It's like a quick-access memory that helps retrieve data faster without repeatedly querying the main database.

    Simple terms: True Cache is an in-memory, read-only caching layer positioned in front of an Oracle database.

    General Architecture 

                                                         Figure 1: True Cache Architecture

    The benefits of True Cache in Oracle 23c AI include:

    Faster Data Access: By storing frequently accessed data in memory, True Cache reduces the time needed to retrieve data from the database, leading to quicker response times for applications

    Improved Performance: With data readily available in memory, the overall performance of the database engine is enhanced, allowing for more efficient processing of queries and transactions.

    Reduced Database Load: True Cache minimizes the number of direct queries to the database, thereby reducing the workload on the database engine and freeing up resources for other tasks.

    Enhanced User Experience: Applications that rely on quick data retrieval will see significant improvements, providing a smoother and more responsive user experience.

    Scalability: As demand for data grows, True Cache can help maintain performance levels by efficiently managing and accessing frequently used data.

    If you need more detail, refer to Oracle's main blog for true cache.

    In this article, I will elaborate on how you can set up Oracle's true cache instance.

    Pre-requisites for True cache testing

    • Create two DBCS instances with 23ai. (Both instances should be in the same subnet).
    • Make sure connective is there for two VMs. (default ports 22 and 1521 need to be enabled for the subnet ).
    • Make sure to add the IP address of both nodes to the host file.

    Below is my machine hostname :

    Primary :

    Cache instance :

    Prepare instance 

    Using the DBCA utility, I create a BLOB file, which I then transfer to the True Cache instance. Upon inspecting the contents of the BLOB file, you'll find both the password file and the wallet stored within it.
      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -prepareTrueCacheConfigFile \
     -sourceDB P23AI \
     -trueCacheBlobLocation /home/oracle/scripts/ \

    Expected output

    [oracle@dbsdpl24 admin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -configureDatabase -prepareTrueCacheConfigFile \
    -sourceDB P23AI \
    -trueCacheBlobLocation /home/oracle/scripts/ \
    Enter password for the TDE wallet:
    Enter password for the TDE wallet:
    Session ID of the current execution is: 1
    Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/P23AI_jt7_yyz/trace.log_2024-08-20_04-35-42PM_53669
    Running Initialization job
    Completed Initialization job
    33% complete
    Running Validate_dataguard job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    40% complete
    Running Validate_db_version job
    Completed Validate_db_version job
    47% complete
    Running Validate_tde_credentials job
    Completed Validate_tde_credentials job
    53% complete
    Running Validate_true_cache_instance job
    Completed Validate_true_cache_instance job
    60% complete
    Running Validate_archive_log_mode job
    Completed Validate_archive_log_mode job
    67% complete
    Running Prepare_blob job
    Completed Prepare_blob job
    100% complete
    ---------- PLUGIN NOTES ----------
    Successfully created blob file: /home/oracle/scripts/blob_2024-08-20_04-35-42PM.tar.gz
    ---------- END OF PLUGIN NOTES ----------
    Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/P23AI_jt7_yyz/P23AI_jt7_yyz0.log" for further details.
    [oracle@dbsdpl24 admin]$
    Note: Make sure to transfer: the blob_2024-08-20_04-35-42PM.tar.gz file to the true cache instance. 

    Configure Listener on the primary instance 

    Add the required entries to the listener configuration and then restart the listener.

    Drop DBCS-created database

    Using DBCA to delete a database on a True Cache instance.

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -deleteDatabase -sourceDB TC23AI -forceArchiveLogDeletion -silent

    Configure True Cache

    The next step is to create true cache instance. With DBCA, we can also create a True Cache instance.

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache \
    -gdbName TC23AI \
    -sid TC23AI \
    -sourceDBConnectionString \
    -trueCacheBlobFromSourceDB /home/oracle/scripts/blob_2024-08-20_04-35-42PM.tar.gz \
    -sgaTargetInMB 14848 \
    -pgaAggregateTargetInMB 3712 \
    -silent -listeners LISTENER

    Expected output

    [oracle@dbsdpl53 scripts]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache \
    -gdbName TC23AI \
    -sid TC23AI \
    -sourceDBConnectionString \
    -trueCacheBlobFromSourceDB /home/oracle/scripts/blob_2024-08-20_04-35-42PM.tar.gz \
    -sgaTargetInMB 14848 \
    -pgaAggregateTargetInMB 3712 \
    -silent -listeners LISTENER
    Enter Remote DB SYS user password:
    Enter password for the source database TDE wallet:
    [FATAL] [DBT-10317] Specified SID Name (TC23AI) already exists.
       ACTION: Specify a different SID Name that does not already exist.
    [oracle@dbsdpl53 scripts]$ vi /etc/oratab
    [oracle@dbsdpl53 scripts]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -createTrueCache -gdbName TC23AI -sid TC23AI -sourceDBConnectionString dbsdpl24.sub08101943421.cnvcn01.oraclevc                                       -trueCacheBlobFromSourceDB /home/oracle/scripts/blob_2024-08-20_04-35-42PM.tar.gz -sgaTargetInMB 1                                                4848 -pgaAggregateTargetInMB 3712 -silent -listeners LISTENER
    Enter Remote DB SYS user password:
    Enter password for the source database TDE wallet:
    [WARNING] [DBT-10331] Specified SID Name (TC23AI) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
       CAUSE: The specified SID Name without the trailing numeric characters (TC23AI) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
       ACTION: Specify a different SID Name that does not conflict with existing databases on the system.
    Session ID of the current execution is: 5
    Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/TC23AI/trace.log_2024-08-20_05-28-57PM_98530
    Running Extract_password_file_from_blob_file job
    Completed Extract_password_file_from_blob_file job
    25% complete
    Running Create_static_listener job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    38% complete
    Running Register_listener job
    Completed Register_listener job
    50% complete
    Running Extract_tde_wallet_from_blob_file job
    Completed Extract_tde_wallet_from_blob_file job
    54% complete
    Running Setup_required_directories job
    Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
    57% complete
    Running Create_pfile job
    Completed Create_pfile job
    61% complete
    Running Start_nomount_instance job
    Completed Start_nomount_instance job
    64% complete
    Running Create_TDE_wallet job
    Completed Create_TDE_wallet job
    68% complete
    Running Create_truecache_instance job
    Completed Create_truecache_instance job
    71% complete
    Running Add_oratab_entry job
    Completed Add_oratab_entry job
    75% complete
    Running Reopen_wallet job
    Completed Reopen_wallet job
    100% complete
    ---------- PLUGIN NOTES ----------
    Successfully created True Cache.
    In order to complete the operation,configure the True Cache database application services from the primary database.
    ---------- END OF PLUGIN NOTES ----------
    Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/TC23AI/TC23AI1.log" for further details.

    After the creation True cache instance status

    No data file is needed for this, as everything is managed in-memory. Similar to Active Data Guard, archives will push all frequently accessed data.
    select open_mode,database_role from v$database;
    -------------------- ----------------
    -- MRP 
       INST_ID PROCESS   STATUS                  THREAD#  SEQUENCE#     BLOCK#
    ---------- --------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
             1 DGRD      ALLOCATED                     0          0          0
             1 DGRD      ALLOCATED                     0          0          0
             1 ARCH      CONNECTED                     0          0          0
             1 ARCH      CONNECTED                     0          0          0
             1 ARCH      CONNECTED                     0          0          0
             1 ARCH      CONNECTED                     0          0          0
             1 RFS       IDLE                          1          0          0
             1 RFS       RECEIVING                     1          5    1335415
             1 RFS       IDLE                          0          0          0
             1 MRP0      APPLYING_LOG                  1          5    1335416
             1 DGRD      ALLOCATED                     0          0          0
       INST_ID PROCESS   STATUS                  THREAD#  SEQUENCE#     BLOCK#
    ---------- --------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
             1 RMI       IDLE                          0          0          0
             1 RMI       IDLE                          0          0          0
    13 rows selected.


    In a fast-paced world where every millisecond counts, caching is essential, and Oracle's True Cache is revolutionizing database performance. By accelerating data access and enhancing reliability and efficiency, True Cache empowers businesses to stay competitive and deliver exceptional user experiences. If you're aiming to boost your database performance, True Cache could be the game-changing solution you've been looking for.

    Thursday, August 15, 2024

    Troubleshoot ODA Repo Issue



    If you found previous blog posts helpful for addressing ODA upgrade issues on virtualization platforms, the following article will ease your journey toward the 19.8 upgrade.

    Article on Upgrades and Issues:

    ODA virtualized upgrades are always challenging, with unexpected issues often arising. One consistent problem I've noticed in upgrades up to version is the repository disappearing after a node reboot. -> -> -> -> -> ->

    In this article, I will elaborate on how you can overcome this repo issue. First, check the cluster VIP status.

    Thursday, July 18, 2024

    KVM Upgrade issue :–



    Virtualization has significantly transformed the IT industry by enhancing the efficient utilization of server resources. Despite the rapid adoption of cloud technology, many organizations hesitate to migrate their workloads to the cloud due to concerns regarding data sensitivity and operational challenges. For such businesses, virtualization continues to be the preferred solution, offering substantial cost savings in capital expenditure (CapEx) and a secure operational environment.

    Ensuring the security of critical database workloads hosted in virtualized environments is paramount. Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager (OLVM) plays a crucial role in managing these virtual environments, and maintaining its updates is vital for safeguarding infrastructure integrity. Regular KVM upgrades are essential to uphold the security and reliability of these virtualized environments.

    While upgrading our KVM hosts, we encountered several issues, particularly with hosts that previously utilized Gluster data domains.

    EXACS: Creating an 11g Database Home

      Intro Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS) historically supported Oracle Database 11g, but with recent updates, Oracle has phased ...