In recent years, the tremendous growth of applications, and these applications
started generating huge volumes of data be it from mobile devices or be it
from the web. As more and more such applications are being built, they needed
to deliver the content directly to the user at a faster rate irrespective of
if they are using a Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop, or any such device.
Along with this, handling a larger volume of files became a challenge, needs a
lot of Metadata related to the file needs to be stored and accessed when
needed. Data storage once looked very easy, became a big challenge now.
Storage technologies are rapidly changing in the last 3 decades, Current trend
is towards software-driven data center technologies. Now we have
software-driven cluster files systems such as Gluster, which gives you more elasticity and scalability.
In the clustered environment there is a possibility you will face this
split-brain scenario. In simple terms, split-brain occurs when two nodes of a
cluster are disconnected. Each node thinks the other one is not working.